Login to AWS EC2 from Windows without Putty


AWS EC2 instances don’t have password authentication by default. You have to use the private key to connect to the instances.
Using this method you can use the windows default terminal to Login into EC2 without key

  1. Login to AWS instances(ssh using pem file/Putty)

ssh -i your-key.pem username@ip_address

2. Setup a password for the user

sudo passwd ubuntu

3. Edit sshd_config file.(use vim or any other editor)

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find the Line containing ‘PasswordAuthentication’ parameter and change its value from ‘no’ to ‘yes’
Press Esc →: →wq (Esc key. Then “:”, then “wq” and finally press enter. )

4. Restart the SSH service.

service ssh restart

5. Now you can log in using the password you set for the user.

ssh username@ip_address

Now it will ask for the password.

That’s it, You are logged into EC2



Alexy Pulivelil

AWS Community Builder | Google Cloud Ready Facilitator | Cloud Enthusiast | DevOps Engineer | Youtuber — Techino Tech4u