How to Make S3 Buckets on AWS Publicly Accessible ?

Alexy Pulivelil
2 min readMar 5, 2024


A lot of people use Amazon S3 buckets to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere in the world. For a wide range of applications, including websites, mobile apps, workplace apps, data backup and recovery, archiving, Internet of Things devices, and big data analytics, they offer a scalable, dependable, and affordable solution. Depending on your requirements, the data in an S3 bucket can be set to be either publicly or privately accessible. To avoid inadvertent data breaches, it’s crucial to handle permissions effectively. Below are the steps you require to setup publically accessible S3 buckets.


  1. Go to the S3 service by logging into the AWS Management Console.
  2. To begin the process of creating a new S3 bucket, click the “Create bucket” button. You will be asked to choose the AWS region in which you want your bucket to be located as well as give it a unique name. Remember that bucket names need to be globally distinct throughout AWS.
  3. One of the options you’ll come across while creating an S3 bucket is called “Block Public Access settings for this bucket.” You can set up settings with this option to stop accidental public access to your S3 bucket. You may improve the security of your bucket and stop unwanted access to your data by turning on these settings.
  4. Additional parameters like versioning, object lock, Default encryption type, and tags can be set here. We’ll keep these settings as-is for the time being, but you are free to change them to suit your needs.
  5. Click “Create bucket” to start creating the S3 bucket with public access if you’re happy.
  6. You can choose the access permissions for your S3 bucket in the “permissions” section. New buckets are by default private, which means that the objects placed inside are only accessible by the bucket owner. We must change the bucket policy in order to make the bucket publicly accessible. To add a bucket policy, select “Edit” from the “Bucket policy” menu. Paste the following policy into the bucket policy editor, changing “your-bucket-name” to the name of your bucket:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Statement1",
"Principal": "*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Make that the permissions and configuration parameters for the bucket are accurate by reviewing them.

Now if you select a particular file and click “Open” the file will be opened in the browser. That’s IT



Alexy Pulivelil

AWS Community Builder | Google Cloud Ready Facilitator | Cloud Enthusiast | DevOps Engineer | Youtuber — Techino Tech4u