Creating an AWS EC2 Instance for a Web App.

Alexy Pulivelil
2 min readNov 9, 2021


Today I will be helping you to set-up an EC2 for running a Web Application.

So Lets Start!

a. Create an AWS EC2 instance.
We will use Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS AMI machine for this demo.
Click Select to select the required AMI.

Choose the Instance Type. Here I'm using t2.micro because of the free tire availability. Now click on Next for choosing configuration availability.

b. In the Configure Instance Details page leave everything as it is, no need to make changes. Click Next to add storage. Here leave everything as default and click Next

c. Next step is to add Tag. Its not a necessary step. So click Next to add the Security Group.
1. Here select Create a new security group, give a name and description.

2. Now specify the port which all need to be opened.
SSH — 22 Port. If you are not setting up any web app, only open port 22.

3. Click Add Rule, Select Custom TCP Rule and mention 3000 as the Port. (You can mention the port as your wish, but that should be the port your application is listening.)
This is how the security group configuration will look like at last.

d. Now click Review and Launch button to launch your EC2.

Your EC2 is now configured, wait for few minutes and login to EC2 using Putty.



Alexy Pulivelil

AWS Community Builder | Google Cloud Ready Facilitator | Cloud Enthusiast | DevOps Engineer | Youtuber — Techino Tech4u