AWS Educate for Institutions
Step by Step Procedure for the Institutions to Apply For AWS Educate.
NB: A faulty should apply for this
1. Create AWS Account using personal email id
a. Click Here to create a new account in AWS.
b. Click create new account. Give your details (1/5)
c. Give your contact details (2/5)
d. Give your credit card details (3/5) and complete the next step (4/5 & 5/5)
e. Once the account is created Click Here to Sign In
f. Sign In as Root User. (Should not click IAM user, use only root user.)
Give your email id
Give your password
g. Now you will be signed into AWS Cloud Console
h. On the Right Top Click on Account Name and copy 12 digit account number.
This 12 digit account is needed for the next step.
2. Create AWS Educate for institution
a. Click here for registration
b. Click Institution
c. Fill The Institution Information and The Applicant Information
The Applicant i.e. the Faculty should have a valid email issued by the institution.
Here Faculty need to paste the previously copied 12-digit number in the AWS Account ID section.
Now wait for the confirmation from AWS.