AWS CLI with Educate Account
2 min readJan 21, 2021
Introduction To AWS Command Line Interface
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.
- Install Python
- Click Here to Download CLI
- Install Both Python And AWS CLI
- Open Command Prompt
- Make sure Python is Installed by typing “python -V” : The output will be the version number.
- Close the Command Prompt.
- Now choose “Run As Administrator” and open Command Prompt.
- Type “aws cli” to make sure it is installed.
- Now go to AWS Educate Account[ Not AWS Console] and Check for account details.
In my case it is provided by Vocareum Labs.
- Click on Account Details copy all details from there.
- Go to C:\Users\Techino\.aws\credentials or search for credentials in C drive. Then paste the copied details.
- Go to cmd and type “aws configure”
- Now paste all the details line by line from the account details like
a. Access Key
b. Secret Access Key
c. Default region name[ get it from console]
d. Output : If not specified,json
is used as the default. Apart fromjson
formats are also supported.
- To check everything works fine type “ aws s3 ls”
This gives the list of buckets used. - That’s all.