AWS CLI with Educate Account

Alexy Pulivelil
2 min readJan 21, 2021


Introduction To AWS Command Line Interface

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.



  1. Install Python
  2. Click Here to Download CLI
  3. Install Both Python And AWS CLI
  4. Open Command Prompt
  5. Make sure Python is Installed by typing “python -V” : The output will be the version number.
  6. Close the Command Prompt.
  7. Now choose “Run As Administrator” and open Command Prompt.
  8. Type “aws cli” to make sure it is installed.
  9. Now go to AWS Educate Account[ Not AWS Console] and Check for account details.
    In my case it is provided by Vocareum Labs.
  1. Click on Account Details copy all details from there.
  2. Go to C:\Users\Techino\.aws\credentials or search for credentials in C drive. Then paste the copied details.
  3. Go to cmd and type “aws configure”
  4. Now paste all the details line by line from the account details like
    a. Access Key
    b. Secret Access Key
    c. Default region name[ get it from console]
    d. Output : If not specified, json is used as the default. Apart from json format yaml, yaml-stream, text, table formats are also supported.
  1. To check everything works fine type “ aws s3 ls”
    This gives the list of buckets used.
  2. That’s all.



Alexy Pulivelil
Alexy Pulivelil

Written by Alexy Pulivelil

AWS Community Builder | Google Cloud Ready Facilitator | Cloud Enthusiast | DevOps Engineer | Youtuber — Techino Tech4u

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